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MV5BMTcyMTA5MTY3MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTMwNzAxMDE@._V1_SX640_SY720_ Grease was one of my favorite movies growing up. I couldn’t get enough of the Summer Nights serenade, Beauty School Dropout (complete with 60’s heartthrob Frankie Avalon) and, of course, the grand finale of…

… Sandy’s hair.

Being that I was blessed with ample amounts of beautifully full and (mostly) curly hair (i.e wildly-unruly-unless-tamed-with-smoothing-serums-and-assorted-irons) you can imagine my love of Sandy’s final-scene locks: perfectly glossy twisted curls.

While my movie choices aren’t dependent on the protagonists’ hairstyles (anymore), my real life has been directed by my assorted hair preferences-of-the-moment. I’ve ventured down many different color and cut routes from brunette to blonde and back — with a shortish stint as a redhead to “boy haircuts” (my mom swears I insisted) to waist-length, back to the chin, and down again. I can’t say I have a favorite as each suited my mood for that point in time. After being blonde for nearly four years, I decided to go back to my momma-given color. In the last year, I was pretty lazy (or cheap) with the new/re-brunette upkeep and ended up with an unintentional ombré effect. I recently decided I needed a change and went back to dark. Queue Madison Reed.

Curly Crop TopReadhead StintShort and WarmLong and CoolOmbre SelfieDark Brunette Selfie

Morning Ritual

A reminder that we don’t wake up looking this good (despite what the media wants you to think.)

My latest coloring was done professionally in a salon but I’ve been vying for a less expensive way to manage upkeep without having to fork over hundreds (and hundreds) of dollars (and hours) a year. Madison Reed is a new color company that offers a high end line of dyes sans harsh chemicals leaving hair softer, shinier and more vibrant. The pigments are stunning and they even have a great Continuous Color Plan that allows you to have a new box o’ color arrive just in time for a touchup! (So you don’t have to scour your datebook/Google calendar for the last appointment.) My personal favorite part of the site is the Hair Profile. You fill in a couple answers about texture, color and preferences and they pop out the most complimentary options – it’s a piece of cake! I’m surprisingly anxious for my current color to need some love so I can order the Venezia Brown (natural dark brown with hints of gold.) Stay tuned for a color update!

Madison Reed Shades

Warm it up! Summer time shift suggestions from Madison Reed.

My hair’s hue has been a major player in dictating my wardrobe content. (This is a fashion blog so of course I need to pop in my latest fashion obsessions!) I’d always been a neutrals fanatic with a closet almost-strictly full of white t’s, blue jeans and assorted black and grey pop-ons but, when I went red, all of a sudden my wardrobe was full of various shades of blues and greens. Blonde brought on a wave of brights/neons and, surprisingly, a lot of black and deep navy. Going back to brunette, I felt my closet was too dark and set out to fill my wardrobe with the exact opposite color from my blonde favorite: white. Light, pale colors are coming to be my Summer 2015 staple. I love the shock of the dark hair and lightly tanned skin against whites, ecrus, washed chambrays and sun-bleached neons.

Side note: there are certain colors that make you feel extra sexy with certain hair colors — for me red was royal blues, blonde was black and brunette was/is red (and citron!)

Anyone else have a similar hair-dictates-wardrobe experiences? What are your favorite colors to wear with your current look?